Out! Carolinas provides news and information on a variety of topics concerning the LGBTQ+ communities of North and South Carolina.
Articles and stories on this website are generally authored by staff and volunteers, with an occasional guest post from a known contributor.
In all cases, Out! Carolinas utilizes various resources to confirm the information contained in an article, story, or post. These include:
- Government Agencies – i.e. Library of Congress, Congressional Record, C-SPAN, NASA, PBS, and similar government institutions.
- National non-profits – i.e. Internet archive, Smithsonian Institution
- National and local news organizations – i.e. CNN, Fox, BBC, Associated Press
- Local and statewide non-profit groups
- Individuals of notable character, education, and reputation
- Professional fact-checking organizations.
Articles, pages, and posts found to contain erroneous or incorrect information will be clarified, corrected, or removed.
Adopted August 1, 2020