North and South Carolina LGBTQ+ Pride Groups

This is a list of all known and active LGBTQ+ Pride organizations in North and South Carolina, based on their primary office or board location. Obviously, many of their services and events may be available and take place in adjacent counties, cities, or towns.

Most are legally formed as a non-profit 501(c)(3) or operating under the umbrella of a local non-profit organization. A few are run by dedicated community-minded individuals and may be in the process of legally forming.

To contact an organization, follow the links to their website and/or social media pages.

Out! Carolinas is not formally or officially affiliated with any of these groups, and cannot answer questions about their programs or services.

Corrections and updates should be sent to

Principal OfficeGroup LinkNon-Profit Status/Parent Org
NC, ApexFacebookInstagramApex Pride501(c)(3) - KERG
NC, AshevilleFacebookInstagramBlue Ridge Pride Center, Inc501(c)(3)
NC, BooneFacebookInstagramBoone Pride
NC, BurlingtonFacebookInstagramAlamance Pride501(c)(3)
NC. CaryFacebookInstagramPride of Cary
NC, CharlotteFacebookInstagramCharlotte Black Pride501(c)(3)
NC, CharlotteFacebookInstagramCharlotte Pride501(c)(3)
NC, ClaytonFacebookInstagramJoCo NC Pride501(c)(3)
NC, DurhamFacebookInstagramPride: Durham, NC501(c)(3) - LGBTQ Center of Durham
NC, FayettevilleFacebookInstagramFayetteville Pride501(c)(3)
NC, Fuquay-VarinaFacebookInstagramFuquay-Varina Pride
NC, GreensboroFacebookInstagramGreensboro Pride501(c)(3) - A.R.T.
NC, GreenvilleFacebookPitt County Pride501(c)(3) - NAMI
NC, HendersonvilleFacebookInstagramHendersonville Pride
NC, HickoryFacebookCatawba Valley Pride Inc501(c)(3)
NC, Holly SpringsFacebookPride of Holly Springs501(c)(3)
NC, JacksonvilleFacebookInstagramOne Community Pride
NC, LexingtonFacebookInstagramLexington Pride501(c)(3)
NC, ManteoFacebookInstagramOBX Pride, Inc501(c)(3)
NC, MicavilleFacebookInstagramMY Pride NC501(c)(3)
NC, MonroeFacebookInstagramUnion County Pride, Inc501(c)(3)
NC, MooresvilleFacebookMooresville Pride501(c)(3) - C.L.E.V.E.R.
NC, MorgantonFacebookBurke Pride
NC, New BernFacebookInstagramNew Bern Pride501(c)(3)
NC, PinehurstFacebookInstagramSandhills Pride501(c)(3)
NC, PittsboroFacebookInstagramPBO Pride501(c)(3) - NC Arts Incubator
NC, RaleighFacebookInstagramOut! Raleigh Pride501(c)(3) - LGBT Center Raleigh
NC, SalisburyFacebookInstagramSalisbury Pride, Inc501(c)(3)
NC, ShelbyFacebookInstagramShelby Pride
NC, StatesvilleFacebookStatesville Pride
NC, SylvaFacebookInstagramSylva Pride, Inc501(c)(3)
NC, Wake ForestFacebookInstagramWake Forest Pride501(c)(3)
NC, WaynesvilleFacebookInstagramHaywood Pride On Main501(c)(3) - Misfit Mtn
NC, WilkesboroFacebookInstagramWilkes Pride FestNon-Profit - Appalachian Ministries
NC, WilmingtonFacebookInstagramPort City Pride
NC, WilsonFacebookInstagramWilson Pride501(c)(3)
NC, Winston SalemFacebookInstagramPride Winston Salem501(c)(3)
SC, AndersonFacebookInstagramElectric City Pride
SC, CharlestonFacebookInstagramCharleston Black Pride501(c)(3)
SC, CharlestonFacebookInstagramCharleston Pride Festival, Inc501(c)(3)
SC, ColumbiaFacebookInstagramSouth Carolina Black Pride 501(c)(3)
SC, ColumbiaFacebookInstagramFamously Hot South Carolina Pride501(c)(3)
SC, FlorenceFacebookInstagramPee Dee Equality
SC, GeorgetownFacebookInstagramSouth Strand Pride501(c)(3)
SC, Myrtle BeachFacebookInstagramGrand Strand Pride501(c)(3)
SC, Myrtle BeachFacebookInstagramPride Myrtle Beach, Inc501(c)(3)
SC, N. CharlestonFacebookInstagramPark Circle Pride
SC, Port RoyalFacebookInstagramLowcountry Pride501(c)(3) - LC Pride
SC, Rock HillFacebookInstagramRock Hill Pride
SC, SpartanburgFacebookInstagramUpstate Pride SC501(c)(3)
SC, SumterFacebookSumter SC Pride Alliance

Updated as information is received.